ካቢፕላስ ምሉእ ብምሉእ ብፈጠራዊ ዓቕሚ ኤርትራውያን መንእሰያት ኣባላት ካቢ ኣብ ሱዳን፡ ኢትዮጵያ፡ ዩጋንዳ፡ ኣሜሪካ፡ ጀርመን፡ ፊንላንድን ጣልያንን ዝማዕበለ ናይ መዘናግዕን መምሃርን ኣፕሊኬሽን ኮይኑ፡ ቀንዲ ዕላማ ካቢፕላስ ንተዓዘብቲ ሚዛኑ ዝሓለወ መሃርን ኣዘናጋዕን ፊልምታት ዝርእይሉ ባይታ ምፍጣር፡ ንስነጥበብን ስነጥበባውያን ሃገርናን ምእኩል ባይታ ምፍጣርን ከምኡ ድማ ብዝተረኽቡ መኽሰባት ብሓፈሻ ኣብ ምምዕባል ሕብረተሰብና ወፍሪ ምግባርን እዩ። ዋንነት ካቢፕላስ ብካቢ ኮይኑ፡ ቀንዲ ዕላማ ካቢ ብፍልጠት ዝተሃንጹ፡ ገዛእ ርእሶም ዝኽእሉ ኣፍረይቲ ዜጋታት ምምልማል እዩ።"እናተዘናጋዕና ንህነጽ ሕብረተሰብና!!!"Kabbee+ is an entertainment and educational app which is created by fellow members of Kabbee in Sudan, Ethiopia, America, Uganda, Germany, Finland and Italy. The main aim of Kabbee+ is providing our community with high-quality entertaining movies and creating a platform to develop our countrys artists and arts. Besides with the profits we get, we invest on our community developments. Kabbee+ is the product of Kabbee. The primary goal of Kabbee is building educated, self-reliant citizens. "Lets build our community while we entertain!"